Willemijn Smit
- T: +31 10 741 08 04
- M: +31 6 518 69 705
- E: willemijn.smit@vanniekerkcieremans.nl
Willemijn Smit specialises in liability and insurance matters. She joined VanNiekerkCieremans in September 2022 and has been admitted to the Rotterdam Bar as a lawyer.
Willemijn completed her master's degree in Liability and Insurance cum laude at Erasmus University Rotterdam and obtained her master's degree Mathematics summa cum laude at Radboud University Nijmegen. During her studies, Willemijn interned at a large insurance company in Rotterdam and a law firm in Amsterdam.
Aside from work, Willemijn is the treasurer of Young InSurance, a foundation committed to bringing together young professionals within the Dutch insurance market. She is also member of several legal associations, such as the Association for Insurance Studies (Vereniging voor Verzekeringswetenschap) and the Netherlands Association for Civil Procedural Law (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Procesrecht).